Crown & Bridge


Let us help you save time and money with our digital, model free workflow

Why choose Quoris3D for Crown & Bridge ?

Our team of technicians and digital designers have many years of experience in working with Zirconia as it has developed into the number one choice for many dentists when looking for a reliable, beautiful and cost effective restoration for their patients.

Our experienced team will happily work with both digital or analogue, but we encourage all practices to transition to a digital, model free workflow for Crown and Bridgework so you can enjoy the benefits, including the increased profits!

  • Reduce costs
  • Increase lab efficiencies Improve accuracy
  • Have less storage of models
  • Decrease turnaround times
  • Save chairside time
  • Incentivise IOS usage and promote digitisation
  • Reduces remakes
  • Embed an all-round easier process

The Digital, Model Free Workflow

The move towards model free production from digital impressions has aided faster turnarounds and competitive pricing. We utilise this technique in all appropriate cases to be able to bring the most efficient results to our customers.

Eliminated costs per single implant crown
Soft Tissue Model £15
So for every 100 implant crowns = £4 - 4.5K savings
Implant Analogue £25
Savings £40-45

Conventional Crown & Bridge

Records required:
  • Surgical photographs
  • IOS scans
  • Prescription filled in via
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Porcelain fused Zirconia (PFZ) Anterior & posterior full coverage crowns 10 Working Days £120
Monolithic Zirconia (TLZ) Anterior, posterior, & implant-supported crowns & bridges 10 Working Days £85
Zirconia Veneer Anterior & premolar restoration 10 Working Days £110
EMax (per unit) Anterior & posterior crowns & bridges 10 Working Days £110
EMax Veneer (per unit) Anterior & premolar teeth 10 Working Days £110

Implant Retained Crown & Bridge

As a specialist digital implant laboratory we take great pride in designing, manufacturing & delivering high quality, durable & cost-effective implant borne restorations. Our screw retained or cementable implant restorations are available on either Ti-Base, stock or custom abutments using OEM or ‘compatible’ components (Medentika or IPD), depending on your preferences. All components are charged extra.

Records required:
  • Surgical photographs
  • IOS scans
  • Prescription filled in via
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Porcelain fused Zirconia Implant unit (PFZ-I) Anterior implant supported crowns & bridges where aesthetics are paramount. 10 Working Days Cement Retained: £220
Screw Retained: £210
Monolithic Zirconia Implant unit (TLZ-I) Anterior, posterior, & implant-supported crowns & bridges 10 Working Days Cement Retained: £185
Screw Retained: £175
Temporary Implant unit. (TP-I) Provisional anterior, posterior, & implantsupported crowns & bridges. 10 Working Days £90 per unit

Get in touch to discuss Crown & Bridge or any of our other products

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